Sin, cos och tan - Trigonometri Matte 1 - Eddler


formelsamling-trigonometri - Matematikcentrum

2 tan. 2 tan. 1 tan. 2. (1) sin(x + y) = sin x cos y + cosxsin y. (2) cos(x + y) = cos x cos y - sin x sin y i tan x + tany. (3) tan(x y) = 17 tan x tany.

Formelsamling cos sin tan

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α, β = 90º- α. β, α = 90º- β. c. Area. a,c, α, β = 90º- α. β, α = 90º- β.

a) Vad är sin sin = λ (max) sin = + λ (min). = cos. ϕ.

Formelsamling/Matematik/Trigonometri - Wikibooks

sinv cosv tan v 2 x x cos x sin x sin x cos x cos x y cosxcosy sinxsiny cos x cos x sin x cos x y. arc tan. 21, 8.

Formelsamling cos sin tan

Trigonometri Matte 1, Geometri – Matteboken

Formelsamling cos sin tan

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Formelsamling cos sin tan

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Formelsamling cos sin tan

s = 1 2 ( a + b + c ) {\displaystyle s= {\frac {1} {2}}\left (a+b+c\right)} för … The functions sine, cosine and tangent of an angle are sometimes referred to as the primary or basic trigonometric functions. Their usual abbreviations are sin(θ), cos(θ) and tan(θ), respectively, where θ denotes the angle. The parentheses around the argument of the functions are often omitted, e.g., sin θ and cos θ, if an interpretation is unambiguously possible.

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1 Primitiva funktioner

2006-02-28. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2 cos cos sin.

Meny Matematik / Trigonometri Se hela listan på Sinus, cosinus og tangens er tre meget nyttige funktioner, der benyttes i trigonometri.